IN LAK ECH CULTURE TRANSFORMATIONAnual event where Instituto Gardner finds a creative way to remember their philosophy IN LAK ECH, a mayan expression that means "you are another me". Students from kindergarden to highschool make an integration activity to connect and create something together. This is part of a culture transformation project that Desiree Carlson did for over 6 years aligning the schools philosophy to concrete actions to create a peace community. | REFLECTING UPON SEXUALITYLast September Desiree Carlson giving a workshop about sexuality (check blog Sexual-being-in-the-world-with-the-other) at the AAGT Conference in Asilomar Grounds, Monterey California | YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION PROGRAMYouth conference at Playa del Carmen QRoo in 2016 |